How Colorblind racism and white fragility hurt all kids with Anne Williford

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Authentic Stories Racism

Podcast Details

Podcast Host: Talking About Kids
Available On: Spotify

Podcast Synopsis

There is a nationwide movement to ban discussions of race or ethnicity from classrooms. Proponents of a ban argue that such discusses compromise learning, undermine white students, and actually promote racism in an environment that should be focused solely on “individuals and merit.” My guest today is Anne Williford. Anne is an Associate Professor and PhD Program Director in the School of Social Work and the Director of the Healthy Schools Initiatives Division at the Prevention Research Center at Colorado State University. Anne and her colleagues have studied what actually happens when such bans are implemented. This episode was intentionally produced to support the formation and coordination of adolescent-centered care and services, so you also will hear from Vinny Chulani of the Arizona Alliance for Adolescent Health. It was recorded live using a webinar platform to encourage questions from alliance members and other listeners.

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