The Opportunity Network

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L - Listen
E - Educate
A- Acknowledge
R- Respond
N- Network

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Website Details

OppNet was founded as a direct response to the inequitable structures of access, college opportunity, and professional mobility that disproportionately affect students of color and students from low-income communities.

When co-founders Jessica Pliska and Brian Weinstein realized as undergraduates at Yale the stark reality of the opportunity gap – the perpetual stifling of resources, access, and free choice from particular groups and communities over others – the vision for The Opportunity Network was clarified.

Since its founding in 2003, OppNet has grown its programming and its institutional footprint to ensure its core goal is realized: reimagining networks as sources of power to catalyze opportunity and access for students from historically underrepresented communities, so they can drive their visions of college and career success forward.

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