Get Out

Project LEARN Category

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Intended Audience(s)


White Privilege
White Supremacy

Movie Details

Jordan Peele*
Release Year: 2017
Running Time: 1 hour 44 minutes
Rating: R

*BIPOC Director Designation

Movie Synopsis

Get Out follows the story of a young black man meeting his white girlfriend’s family for the first time. Upon meeting them, he is met with mircro aggressions, stereotypes, and an all around feeling of unease. He is also consistently gaslit by his girlfriend into staying and it is later revealed she is in on the nefarious ploy. I know when considering the word ‘resource’ there is a tendency to look for less fictitious depictions. I felt like this still fit though as it is great storytelling and is ultimately it is a story of white people taking advantage of black bodies; a tale as old as time reimagined for this movie scenario.

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